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Feeling Stuck in Your Current Nursing Role? Here’s How to Grow Your Career!

If you seem trapped in your current nursing job, understand that this feeling remains normal. However, getting out of any career rut requires taking a proactive approach. With the demand for nurses at a historical high, interesting opportunities abound for those with the drive to succeed.


With a goal of putting your nursing life into overdrive, check out this advice on building a rewarding career. Use these tips to get additional training and certifications, ultimately becoming more marketable to hospitals and medical offices. It’s the best strategy for staying engaged as a nurse until the day of your retirement.


Use Self-Analysis to Determine New Skills to Learn


Regular self-analysis plays a key role in building and maintaining a successful nursing career. For example, take the time to analyze what skills you want to add to your toolbox. Once you identify a few, meet with your nursing manager about getting the training you need. Earning a few relevant certifications also makes you more attractive to potential new employers.


Find a Mentor as a Source for Valuable Career Advice


Having a mentor helps you immeasurably throughout your nursing career. They offer meaningful advice on new medical skills to learn or even cheer you up when you feel down. Simply speaking with someone who understands your career hopes and dreams also offers meaningful benefits.


When searching for a potential mentor, choose someone who you implicitly trust and admire. It might be a former nurse manager or even a teacher from nursing school. Simply connect with them over email to ask about becoming your mentor.


Consider Moving Into a Nursing Manager Role


If you regularly feel unchallenged in your current nursing position, perhaps you are ready to move into management. Becoming a nursing lead or manager obviously adds significant new responsibilities to your career. In addition to nursing talent, you also need other abilities, including top-shelf communication and people skills.


Speak with your manager or mentor about your desire for additional responsibility. Use their advice to put your career on a path towards becoming a nursing leader. Note that you may need additional education to qualify for any managerial role. Your current employer might even offer tuition reimbursement to help you achieve your hope for a more rewarding career.


If you are looking for a new nursing position, reach out to the experienced recruiters at CHN Health Care Group. As one of the top medical staffing agencies in Boston, we know the hospitals looking for talented nurses. Connect with us at your earliest convenience to discuss your desire for a meaningful career.
