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November is National Hospice and Palliative Care Month

As National Hospice and Palliative Care Month, November provides an opportunity to recognize medical professionals providing this crucial care. HACPM lets your healthcare establishment show your nurses their work matters in improving the quality of life for patients. This recognition helps keep the morale of your team high, despite the sometimes difficult nature of their job.

Check out helpful these tips on how to show your appreciation of your hospice and palliative care nursing teams. Also take advantage of this chance to illustrate the importance of this type of nursing care to social media. In the end, expect more engaged nurses providing better patient care.

The Importance of Supporting Quality End-of-Life and Serious Illness Care

In addition to recognizing the medical professionals providing this care, HACPM also informs the public about this important work. Notably, it’s a main goal of National Hospice and Palliative Care Month, so connecting with the media becomes important. At the same time, this level of outreach needs to happen throughout the year. Ensuring the public understands the importance of serious illness care and hospice planning remains an essential objective.

Social Media Action Day For Recognizing Hospice Care

Friday November 3rd serves as an important day within National Hospice and Palliative Care month. This Social Media Action Day aims to highlight hospice awareness across the Internet. Use this opportunity to post information on your social media accounts detailing the kind of care provided by hospices. Combine this effort with your media outreach discussed above.

The theme for this year’s Social Media Action Day is Courageous Conversations. This approach raises the awareness of discussing advance care planning and the details of hospice and palliative care. Also draw attention to the importance of researching hospices and the care they provide to patients with terminal illness.

Use the following hashtags in your posts to amplify their reach on social media.

  • #CourageousConversations
  • #HospiceWorks
  • #HospiceMonth
  • #HospiceAwareness
  • #HAPC
  • #HAPCM

Additionally, be sure to tag the social media accounts for the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (@NHPCO). The organization, responsible for HAPCM, has accounts on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter/X. In the latter case, their account ID is @NHPCO_news.

Consider hosting a lunch for all your hospice and palliative care nurses and support staff. It offers a great opportunity to highlight their work during HAPCM.

If your hospice or hospital needs an influx of empathic nursing talent, connect with CHN Health Care Group. As one of the top medical staffing agencies in Boston, we provide the exceptional candidates your organization needs. Schedule a meeting with us to discuss your current hiring plans.
